State-of-the-art in Safety and Security – Year 4
OPTICS2 is a Coordination and Support Action of the European Commission, and provides a comprehensive evaluation of relevant safety and security research and innovation in air transport. Answering the question “Is Europe performing the right safety and security research?”
The status of the State-of-the-Art in European Aviation Safety and Security R&I is based on the OPTICS2 assessment methodology, which focuses on how projects and programmes cover the ACARE Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) Action Elements – and hence the Lines, Areas and Flightpath 2050 goals.
This approach allows the identification of research strengths and gaps, as well as bottlenecks or constraints affecting research progress
Every year the OPTICS2 team is constantly working to assess new projects in both Aviation Safety and Security. In Year 4, a total number of 402 projects were collected and assessed for Safety, plus 198 projects for the Security Domain.
Read the results in the report below
Deliverable 3.2
Authors: Mariken Everdij (NLR), Clive Goodchild (BAES), Daniele Ruscio (DBL), Micol Biscotto (DBL).
Contributors: Béatric Bettignies-Thiébeaux (ECTL), Pierre Bieber (ONERA), Cristina De la Barrera Bernad (EASA), Manuel Derra (DLR), John Hird (ECTL), Pablo Hernandex (INX), Emmanuel Isambert (EASA), Barry Kirwan (ECTL), Alexander Lau (DLR), Paula Lopez (INX), Fabio Massacci (CINI), Mario Sollazzo (CIRA), Tim Stelkens-Kobsch (DLR), Silvia Vidor (CINI), Angela Vozella (CIRA), Maria Biasiol (DBL).
Abstract: This report presents the State-of-the-Art results of OPTICS2 YEar 4. The report describes the status of Safety and Security Research & Innovation in the context of Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda, and identifies the main performers, gaps, and obstacles in the research landscape, deriving strategic recommendations and priorities, and suggesting corrective actions.