State-of-the-art in Safety and Security – Year 1

Deliverable 2.1

Authors: Mariken Everdij (NLR), Clive Goodchild (BAES), Barry Kirwan (ECTL), Vanessa Arrigoni (DBL), Simone Pozzi (DBL)

Contributors: Dave Young (DBL), Pierre Bieber (ONERA), Niclas Dzikus (DLR), John Hird (ECTL), Paula Lopez (INX), Angela Vozella (CIRA)

Abstract: This report presents the State-of-the-Art results of OPTICS2 Year 1. The report describes the status of Safety and Security Research and Innovation in the context of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and identifies the main performers, gaps and obstacles in the research landscape, deriving strategic recommendations and priorities, and suggesting corrective actions.

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