OPTICS2 Final Dissemination Event – September 27-28 2021 (14-17 CET)

The OPTICS2 Final Dissemination Event was held online September 27-28 2021 (14-17 CET). To participate, registration is needed prior to the event.

OPTICS2 assessed the progress of European Aviation Safety and Security Research and Innovation (R&I) towards the goals of Flightpath 2050. OPTICS2 provided recommendations to help steer EU Aviation Safety and Security R&I in case certain research needs are not being met, or need ‘course corrections’, for example in case of the arrival of new disruptive technologies, or global events such as COVID-19.

OPTICS2 reviewed the state-of-the-art in European Aviation Safety and Security R&I annually, via a core team of experts from across the entire aviation spectrum assessing literally hundreds of European and nationally funded projects, including major programmes such as Horizon 2020, CleanSky and SESAR. OPTICS2 reports to both the European Commission and ACARE, summarising the status of each safety and security ‘Action Area’, identifying the main performers, gaps and obstacles in the research landscape, along with strategic recommendations and priorities.

The OPTICS2 Final Dissemination event was held on September 27th and 28th (14-17 CET). It spanned on two days, dedicated to Safety and Security respectively. On day 1, the Safety part of the OPTICS2 research was discussed; project partners presented key Safety Action Areas and the coordinators of relevant EU projects in the Safety sector gave an overview of their project. Similarly, on Day 2, the current landscape in the security sector were detailed, with the presentation of key Security Action Areas and the introduction of the most relevant EU research initiatives by their coordinators.

The Final Dissemination was held online September 27-28 2021 (14-17 CET).

The workshop was held online and structured as follows:

  • DAY 1 (27.09.21) – Safety
    14:00-14:20: Intro and opening (EC)
    14:20-15:00: Overview of OPTICS2 for Safety Action Areas
    15:00-16:00: Key safety projects
    16:00-16:15: break
    16:15-16:45: Panel
    16:45-17:00: Closing comments on Day 1
  • DAY 2 (28.09.21) – Security
    14:00-14:10: Intro to Day 2
    14:10-14:50: Overview of OPTICS2 for Security Action Areas
    14:50-15:50: Key security projects
    15:50-16:00: break
    16:00-16:30: Q&A
    16:30-16:45: Closing comments by EC
    16:45-17:00: Closing comments by OPTICS2

Click here to check the full agenda

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DAY 1 (Sept. 27) – Safety

14:00-14:15: Intro and opening – Vladimir Cid-Bourié
14:15-14:20: Introduction on OPTICS2 Safety Action Areas – Mariken Everdij
14:20-14:30: Overview of OPTICS2 for Safety Action Area 1 | Driving safe ATS performance – Pierre Bieber
14:30-14:40: Overview of OPTICS2 for Safety Action Area 2 | Human and organisational factors – Barry Kirwan
14:40-14:50: Overview of OPTICS2 for Safety Action Area 3 | Harnessing safety intelligence – Pablo Hernandez
14:50-15:00: Overview of OPTICS2 for Safety Action Area 4 | Safe operations – Angela Vozella
15:00-15:10: Overview of OPTICS2 for Safety Action Area 5 | Safe design, manufacturing and certification – Mariken Everdij
15:10-15:20: International benchmarking Safety – Alexander Lau
15:20-15:35: Key safety project 1 | Safeclouds – Paula Lopez Català
15:35-15:50: Key safety project 2 | SAFEMODE – Simone Pozzi
15:50-16:05: Key safety project 3 | D(emo)-CRAT – Sybert Stroeve
16:05-16:20: Key safety project 4 | AW-Drones – Marco Ducci
16:05-16:20: break
16:20-16:50: Panel + Q/A (Barry Kirwan-chair, Mariken Everdij, Pablo Hernandez, Angela Vozella, Sybert Stroeve, Vladimir Cid-Bourié)
16:50-17:00: Closing comments on Day 1 – Mariken Everdij

DAY 2 (Sept. 28) – Security

14:00-14:10: Intro and opening – Clive Goodchild
14:10-14:20: Overview of OPTICS2 for Security Action Area 6 | Collaborate for security – Clive Goodchild
14:20-14:30: Overview of OPTICS2 for Security Action Area 7 | Engage aviation personnel and society for security – Pablo Hernandez
14:30-14:40: Overview of OPTICS2 for Security Action Area 8 | Build and exploit security intelligence – Angela Vozella
14:40-14:50: Overview of OPTICS2 for Security Action Area 9 | Ensure operational security  – Tim Stelkens-Kobsch
14:50-15:00: Overview of OPTICS2 for Security Action Area 10 | Design, manufacture, and certify for security – Pierre Bieber
15:00-15:10: International benchmarking Security – Fabio Massacci, Silvia Vidor
15:10-15:25: Key security project 1 | SINAPSE – Kaanan Abdo
15:25-15:40: Key security project 2 | CONCORDIA – Cora Lisa Perner
15:40-15:55: Key security project 3 | SATIE – Tim Stelkens-Kobsch
15:55-16:10: break
16:10-16:40: Panel + Q/A (John Hird-chair, Domenico Pascarella, Cora Lisa Perner, Clive Goodchild, Angela Vozella, Tim Stelkens-Kobsch) 
16:40-17:00:Closing comments on Day 2 – Clive Goodchild

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